Nirvana – written by Glenn D. Grace

To be a human being, vibing to the frequency of inner peace, fueled by the essence of kindness is in the forefront of my spirit. Having lived to this ripe old age of 62, to me, is quite remarkable. Every step I take towards the inescapable finale of this existence pushes me deeper into a spiritual space — a spiritual space void of arrogance about how another worships…”

For me, the most annoying thing someone can say to me is that they had a talk with God, and he wanted me to tell you this. Well, for starters, I do not believe that a Higher Power, needs a spokesperson, especially one who is human like me. Secondly, what makes you think that your Higher Power is “the” Higher Power?

I mean no disrespect, but I refuse to allow myself an air of arrogance that feels superior enough to undermine someone else’s beliefs. Now, I happened to be southern born, raised in a Baptist Church, but what about the person that was raised in the Middle East and introduced to Islamic teachings? Or those raised with Buddhist teachings?

This is one of the reasons why I stepped away from organized religion, because there is nothing in that concept that appeals to me any longer. From my early religious teachings, I took away things like, unconditional love, kindness, honor thy mother and father, as well as, other inspiring passages, so I am grateful for being exposed to spirituality. Spirituality allows me to know that there is something greater than myself, and that something is what I leaned on during early recovery.

These last few years have been taxing, having lost both parents, an aunt I was very close to, as well as others who were part of my life. Loss comes with so many layers of emotions — emotions that will strike at any given time. It could be a change in how the sun sits in the sky, or a familiar scent that reminds you of a loved one, or it could be a certain song with lyrics that seem to speak to the heart, a reminder of a cherished moment.

Recently I found out that someone very close to me is terminally ill. This someone has been a part of my life ever since I was a little boy. We grew up in the same house together, slept in the same room together, know each other like a book. We share many memories together such as family road trips, and family holiday celebrations. His illness has me heartbroken, yet I seem to still be able to function well under these sobering circumstances.

During these times I guard my peace like a pit bull and make no apologies to people who only want to bring their drama into my space. Guess what? None are allowed behind the velvet rope of my life any longer. I’ve seen too much, been through too much, have experienced too much negativity from certain people, and have no intention of rehashing any of it. Been there done that. I put the brakes on low vibing frequency early in sobriety so that I can have decent life post-active addiction and post-untreated mental health.

I am very open about sharing certain parts of my life, only to offer a light to someone else who might be going through the same thing. By no means is my way the only way, because our spirits require different degrees of stimulation. I found my chi in the calm of meditation and quiet. I am also stimulated by simple things — a smile, a pleasant conversation, a warm hug. Designer and expensive things do not move me, nor does a pretty face, because you can have a pretty face, but an ugly heart.

I’m okay not being in spaces with bad energy, and though I am single, I am not lonely. I have many friends who get me, the same way as I get them. Sad is a life that never reaches their own nirvana. Souls such as these are invasive energies that bring too much upsetting energy, and I have reached a place in my life where I cannot be there for it. Like I said, I’ve witnessed too much in my 62 years.

The song, “Money Can’t Buy You Love,” sung by Ralph Tresvant is so true, it cannot buy love, nor can it buy you peace. It can buy you many material things, make life easier for you, but it cannot buy you love and peace. Some of my most joyous times in this life have been when I’ve only had lint in my damn pockets.

In closing, I just want you to know that it is okay to step away from problematic people who vibrate to bad energy. Identify it and decide, for yourself, if this is the type of existence you want to live, and if it isn’t, then it is up to you to make the change. Having the same bloodline doesn’t mean a damn thing, not when it comes to sacrificing your peace. Some folks are incapable of brining anything else but bad energy to a situation. My actions are, ignore, delete, and block.

Carep’ Diem = Live Your Life


Love this song, “Money Can’t Buy You Love,” by Ralph.

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